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You've been lied to…

Ever since I was a child, I was told that a college education was the way to happiness and financial security. And people would be banging on my door begging me to work for them.

My friend Sidney was told the same lie growing up.

Raised in a poor neighborhood in Detroit, Sidney’s mom told him that in order for him to better himself, he had to have a college degree.

He studied hard and was accepted into an Ivy League college where he studied finance. Every company needs people who know finance, he reasoned.

Tuition at most colleges and Universities is extremely expensive.

Even though he received a partial scholarship, he still racked up $85,000 in student debt over the 4 years.

When he graduated, he was shocked to discover that starting pay for finance degrees without prior experience was $35,000 - $50,000 a year.

To pay back his student loan at 4.66% interest over 10 years came to $887 per month which equals $10,644 per year. After paying his loan, he had little for rent, food, utilities, etc.
He would have ended up paying $106,644 over 10 years for that $85,000 loan.

💰 Keep reading to learn how Sidney paid the loan off in 1 year. 💰

Here is the truth... unless you are entering a profession where you need a license to practice, you’re better off not going to college.

When the pandemic hit, Sidney got laid off. Because of his student debt, and with no job, he couldn’t meet his bills.
He considered taking bankruptcy. However, student loans are not erased with bankruptcy. This debt follows you until paid off.
Sidney panicked at this point.

One day he saw a YouTube video about a method for making money online. A side hustle, if you will.

That inspired him to search for other videos on how to make money on the internet, and he became obsessed with finding different ways to make a good living without a 9-5 job.
Sidney has reinvented himself and makes over 10X what he could with a finance degree. He realizes his degree is practically worthless. The only one who made money from it was his college.

YES! You can do what Sidney has done and reinvent yourself to make money from home!

So what can you do in hard times like this? Or better yet, anytime?

The internet is a huge market where you can make money from anywhere in the world.

⏰ In a minute I'll share 4 ways you can use the internet to make a part-time or full-time income. ⏰

Don’t know anything about the internet? No problem.
The answers to questions that you don’t know yet can be found on Google, YouTube, or even from other people who are already successfully earning 6 and 7 figures online.

So how can you get started?
• Make a list of everything you are good at doing.
• What are your skills?
• What do you like to do?
• What are hobbies?
• What are you passionate about?
Once you have done that, here are some ideas for you.


If you like to read, and have a good voice, you can make up to $400/hr reading books for audiobooks. At this writing there are 1,210 books that need to be read.
You will need a good microphone and a free audio program called Audacity.
To learn more, go to and click on How it Works -> Narrator -> Narrator

Go to a website called and sign up for their free newsletter.
Everyday you will find a list of domains that have just been dropped and are now available for purchase.
Select a couple and Google “Godaddy Appraisal”.
Use their free tool to see what that domain appraises for.
If it appraises for over $1,000 , purchase it and then list it on
I recommend selling it at 85% of appraised value.

Go into Facebook Groups and search “Digital Marketing.”
Join a group with a large following.
Write a post like “This week only! I will create a Logo for you for just $50”.
Have them send the money to you via paypal.
Then go to Fiverr .com and look for people who create logos. Most are in the $10 range.
Select one of them to make the logo and you pocket the difference.

One of the fastest ways to make quick money is through affiliate marketing.
There are thousands of companies that will pay you a commission when you recommend the company and someone purchases through your special link.
There are several places where you can find these companies: Clickbank .com, CJ .com, WarriorPlus .com, and many others.
Just Google “Affiliate Offers” to find hundreds of offers.
You will get a special link which you give to your friends and post on your Facebook page.
When someone buys, you receive the commission.
I suggest that you go to YouTube and type in “How to do affiliate marketing” and watch some of the instructional videos.

For over 100 more side hustles that you can use, Get "SIDE HUSTLE GOLD" for just $1.
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